There are only three types of lasers in the market: they are known as Yag, Alexandrite, and Diode lasers.
Each brand adds to their services different details and a skin air cooling system to significantly reduce side effects and increase patient satisfaction. This cooling system is very important to avoid any damage to the skin when lasering it.
In the Laser Studio & Beauty Clinic, we have these 3 lasers because we are a laser center/clinic and this is why "we can treat all skin types".


Our laser treatments work for all skin types and for any part of the body. With our laser technology: Alexandrite, Gyag, and Diode lasers, you can remove unwanted hair more efficiently and faster than with any other method. Our treatments are safe and without complications. Come and enjoy our services.
According to public statistics, about half of tattoed Americans want to remove or change their tattoos. In consequence, this service has risen in a significant way. At The Laser Studio & Beauty Clinic, we use a special laser designed for the purpose of tattoo removal. Once the tattoo ink has been removed The results become permanent once the tattoo in is totally removed.
There are different treatments to achieve Skin Rejuvenation for example through the use of laser, light, and other energy-based treatments. There are also chemical peels and other non-ablative methods. ranging from laser, light & other energy-based treatments to chemical peels & other non-ablative methods. Thanks to Science and technology, the result is smoother skin, with a renewed, refreshed, and clearer appearance.